Comments on: How to Wipe Out All Your Links Without Realizing It Speaking of web development. Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:30:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Will Pate Will Pate Thu, 28 Sep 2006 00:05:15 +0000 Jason, very sorry to hear about your mishap with deleting bookmarks in Flock while using delicious syncing. You're not the first person who has had this unfortunate outcome. I've brought it up with the support and engineering teams and we're going to throw up more warnings in the next version of Flock that we're working on right now. My apologies that we didn't get it fixed before it happened to you. If you contact support, they may be able to reinstate your bookmarks. A few people in your situation got theirs back this way. Regards, Will Pate Community Ambassador, Flock Jason, very sorry to hear about your mishap with deleting bookmarks in Flock while using delicious syncing. You’re not the first person who has had this unfortunate outcome. I’ve brought it up with the support and engineering teams and we’re going to throw up more warnings in the next version of Flock that we’re working on right now. My apologies that we didn’t get it fixed before it happened to you.

If you contact support, they may be able to reinstate your bookmarks. A few people in your situation got theirs back this way.


Will Pate Community Ambassador, Flock

By: henry henry Sat, 12 Aug 2006 01:30:13 +0000 @Jason-ah I didn't realize that. @Trey-Oh yeah I remember you telling me about that the other day. I need to look into it. @Jason-ah I didn’t realize that.

@Trey-Oh yeah I remember you telling me about that the other day. I need to look into it.

By: Trey Trey Sat, 12 Aug 2006 00:55:43 +0000 I think I might have one or two that I haven't made public. Seems like I did that when I was posting lots of stupid howtos on Zen Cart (the worst piece of crap web app ever). I think I might have one or two that I haven’t made public. Seems like I did that when I was posting lots of stupid howtos on Zen Cart (the worst piece of crap web app ever).

By: Jason Jason Fri, 11 Aug 2006 23:14:13 +0000 Do you make all your bookmarks public, or only some? Do you make all your bookmarks public, or only some?

By: Trey Trey Fri, 11 Aug 2006 22:27:41 +0000 The point is not whether I'll visit all of them again. They're there if I need to, and very easy to find with tags. I've gone back many times and found links that I wouldn't have put in my browser bookmarks, because they're not things I want to look at often. I don't have to worry about running out of space or making things cluttered. Just post, tag, and forget (until I want to look at it again). I also like using it just to share things that I find interesting. Social bookmarking web2.0 andallthat. @Henry--There's also <a href="" rel="nofollow">a Firefox extension to download your bookmarks into your browser bookmarks</a>. The point is not whether I’ll visit all of them again. They’re there if I need to, and very easy to find with tags. I’ve gone back many times and found links that I wouldn’t have put in my browser bookmarks, because they’re not things I want to look at often. I don’t have to worry about running out of space or making things cluttered. Just post, tag, and forget (until I want to look at it again).

I also like using it just to share things that I find interesting. Social bookmarking web2.0 andallthat.

@Henry—There’s also a Firefox extension to download your bookmarks into your browser bookmarks.

By: Jason Jason Fri, 11 Aug 2006 21:20:00 +0000 @trey: Yarr. That's a lot of del.icio.using. Do you really think you'll revisit all those pages? @henry: I think you can export from to an HTML file. It's under "settings". @trey: Yarr. That’s a lot of del.icio.using. Do you really think you’ll revisit all those pages?

@henry: I think you can export from to an HTML file. It’s under “settings”.

By: henry henry Fri, 11 Aug 2006 21:02:18 +0000 Day-ummmmmm. should add a feature that lets you download a text file backup of your bookmarks. Day-ummmmmm. should add a feature that lets you download a text file backup of your bookmarks.

By: Trey Trey Fri, 11 Aug 2006 18:44:50 +0000 Wow. Yeah, I would be pretty upset. As of right now, I have <a href="" rel="nofollow">1777 bookmarks in</a>. Wow. Yeah, I would be pretty upset. As of right now, I have 1777 bookmarks in
