Comments on: Aperture or Lightroom? Speaking of web development. Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:30:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: [post]PostModern » Blog Archive » More on Aperture/Lightroom [post]PostModern » Blog Archive » More on Aperture/Lightroom Mon, 02 Oct 2006 17:17:48 +0000 [...] Aperture or Lightroom? [...] […] Aperture or Lightroom? […]

By: Jason Jason Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:13:54 +0000 @henry -- Interesting. You make good points. I might just have to do LR. I'm just concerned about getting attached to it and then having to buy it for tons of money. The only price reference I've read was from someone from Adobe who stated that it would cost somewhere between $99 and $600. That's a big range. The other thing, though, is that Aperture's interface is so slick. @henry — Interesting. You make good points. I might just have to do LR. I’m just concerned about getting attached to it and then having to buy it for tons of money. The only price reference I’ve read was from someone from Adobe who stated that it would cost somewhere between $99 and $600. That’s a big range.

The other thing, though, is that Aperture’s interface is so slick.

By: henry henry Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:32:12 +0000 While I've never used Aperture, I really like LR, and have more faith in Adobe making the better product in the longrun. LR will no doubt mesh better with photoshop, and Adobe has stated that it will eventually have an open type of plugin API like PS does, which is a big plus in it's favor if that proves to be true (already is to some extent, as you can already share development presets). One thing to keep in mind is that both LR and Aperture are still in beta form. The big difference is that LR is a free beta, and Adobe is building it according to the feedback they get from users. LR runs damned well on my MacBook too. While I’ve never used Aperture, I really like LR, and have more faith in Adobe making the better product in the longrun. LR will no doubt mesh better with photoshop, and Adobe has stated that it will eventually have an open type of plugin API like PS does, which is a big plus in it’s favor if that proves to be true (already is to some extent, as you can already share development presets).

One thing to keep in mind is that both LR and Aperture are still in beta form. The big difference is that LR is a free beta, and Adobe is building it according to the feedback they get from users.

LR runs damned well on my MacBook too.

By: Trey Trey Fri, 18 Aug 2006 02:56:03 +0000 If Lightroom does what you need, stick with it. If Lightroom does what you need, stick with it.
