So, Trey convinced me to try SuperDuper!. I like it. It’s extremely easy-to-use and quick to operate. It’s very similar to Synk. Synk actually has a few more features for regular backups; plus, it’s a tad cheaper. It’s kind of a tough decision.
One thing that they both feature is an option to run a shell script. Or, in the case of Synk, any file. before it does its backup thing. Since I don’t have enough room on my external, I just do a “User Files” backup. That shell script feature comes in handy because I can mysqldump all of my databases to files and also get a list of my installed applications saved to my Documents folder immediately before the backup.
ls -al /Applications > ~/Documents/Application\ List.txt
Very handy.
Jan 23rd, 2006 at 10:40 am Kevin O'Mara
Trey’s trying to convince me to use it too. I think that he’s being paid to proselytize. Wait, if you’re paid … I guess it’s just campaigning at that point.
Eh, who am I kidding? I’ve been pushing NewsFire on him forever. Apparently it has issues on his system or with him personally or something. Regardless, we all have our favorites.
[Trey/Kevin] and [SuperDuper!/NewsFire], sittin’ in a tree / kay aye ess ess aye enn gee / First comes love, then comes marriage / Then comes a user with a [fully-backed up system / news aggregator]!
Feb 11th, 2006 at 4:48 pm Jason C
Well, I finally sat down with Angela’s iBook on Friday evening to setup SuperDuper. She does have a number of important files and keeping a backup is therefore crucial. We have an external hard drive on a network and I chose to use it for the backup. Unfortunately, something about the transfer speed makes this impractical. After over 11 hours, it had copied less than 6% of her hard drive (which is only 30GB)!
Feb 12th, 2006 at 10:59 am Jason
Wow. I don’t know why it would be that slow. I’ve only used my USB 2.0 external. Let me know how the ethernet cable experiment turns out.
Mar 9th, 2006 at 10:02 pm Maig
( I just wanted to comment. )
Mar 17th, 2006 at 11:27 am Trey
You should blog about SXSW.
Mar 25th, 2006 at 5:41 pm Trey
I’m going to start leaving a comment a day until you start blogging.
Mar 27th, 2006 at 7:44 pm Trey
Time to blog.
Mar 28th, 2006 at 10:59 am Trey
It’s so lovely out! A perfect day to blog!
Mar 29th, 2006 at 11:25 am Trey
Check out this new feature in Campfire. Cool beans.
Mar 30th, 2006 at 1:57 pm Trey
Have fun on your trip. I’ll give all your kids candy while you’re gone.
Mar 31st, 2006 at 11:03 am Trey
Here’s my report.